Manchester Camera Club
Manchester, New Hampshire

You are invited to attend our meetings and share your photographic interests, talents and ideas with other amateur photographers. Expand your photographic skills by sharing technical knowledge, photogenic locations, tips, experiences and ca-mer-a-derie on field trips, workshops, and model shoots. Speakers of note are also scheduled to share their experiences and works of art at meetings during the year. You can enter color slide or print competitions (black & white and color), earning awards and points toward yearly awards and receive expert commentary on your work. The club has been in existence for more than 25 years and members have had their work recognized throughout New England and the country. Competition Subjects often include Open (any subject), Nature (Insects, Plants, Animals), Scenics, Portraiture, Action, Night, and more specific subjects. Membership is only $20.00 annually. The club meets on the second and fourth Monday of every month Novober through March, then the fourth Monday in March and March. We meet at Greater Manchester YMCA, 30 Mechanic St. Visitors are always welcome! More…

Send to the webmaster
What’s new…
Meeting Notes
Competition Results
2006-07 Meeting Schedule
2006-07 Competition Subjects
Digital Slides Rules
Greater Lynn Salon
Members’ Galleries